Arabian Sights

The Washington, DC International Film Festival marked on October 14, 2005, its 10th Anniversary of presenting contemporary Arab cinema: Arabian Sights. This year's festival presents some of the newest, most provocative and fun films from and about today's Arab world. Yesterday I went to see the Tunisian film The Prince by Director Mohamed Zran who was present in person during the screening. I have really enjoyed the movie especially the sharp sense of humor of some of the actors.The following is a plot summary:
Adel works at a flower stand on the main boulevard in Tunis. Living with his struggling family and blowing more money than he should on drink, he’s merely coasting through life. Amidst all the commotion at the flower stand, Adel still finds time to daydream and watch the pedestrians walk by. One day, a beautiful lady, Donia, catches his eye and she becomes the object of his dreams. A chance delivery of flowers puts him in touch with her and he learns that she manages a bank. Not knowing any other way to make her notice him, Adel continues to deliver flowers to her office, claiming they come from an anonymous source. His circle of family and friends are wildly split regarding his seemingly hopeless amorous endeavor. Director Mohamed Zran builds a portrait of an entire people searching for something better, yet uncertain how to articulate their desires in this film that Variety has described as “unpretentious and thoroughly winning”.
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