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Location: Tunis, Tunisia, Tunisia

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Jerusalem Post Cartoon Stirs Violent Protests Across Europe

A reintroduction of a controversial Danish cartoon by The Jerusalem Post, stirred violent protests across Europe.
The cartoon, created in 1937 by Danish film animator Henning Dahl Mikkelsen and drawn by him until his death in 1982,
features the adventures of Ferd'nand,a middle-aged man with a pointy hat and a moustache.
Tens of thousands of pudgy, middle-aged men with moustaches and pointy hats went on a rampage across Western Europe. Protesters marched toward the Israeli Embassy in Rome and riots broke as well in Paris where pointy-hatted men were threatening to topple the Eiffel Tower if their demands to block the republication of the cartoon strip were ignored.
(Via J.P.)


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