ThysdrusRoman Coliseum of El-Jem

Panem et Circensis

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Location: Tunis, Tunisia, Tunisia

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Zimbabwe: To Survive, People Eat Rats!

A troubling report via CNN :

This is a story about how Zimbabwe, once dubbed southern Africa's bread basket, has in six short years become a basket case. It is about a country that once exported surplus food now apparently falling apart, with many residents scrounging for rodents to survive.
Do you think people there will bother asking for freedom of speech and the right to have a blog ?? Think about it!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

la morale de l'histoire: nabl3ou issikina bdammaha wnosktou 3ali 9a3id sayir fi tounes?

7:48 PM  
Blogger Hannibal said...

@Jarboo3: bech tkoun el oumor wadh7a ana 7kit houni 3ala ZIMBABWE we na3wed n9oul ala ZIMBABWE meta3 Mugabe, donc errabt meta3ik samihni mahouch fi m7allou idha enti fhimtou hekka hedheka rayik we ni7tarmou. t9olli "nibl3ou essikina bdemha we nousktou 3ali 9a3id sayer fi tounis", n9ollik ya khoya medemek fi tounis i7kilna we nawarna we idha tnejjim tsalla7 salla7.Ana je suis sur et certain elli enti andek blog meta3ik donc wel klem mahouch mwejjah lik en personne fi 3oudh el wa7id ye7ki a la censure we el m9asset t9oul alina fi ma3mil zarbia,het werriouna ach ynejjim el wa7id ya3mil, dhaherli bkoullna n7ibbou bledna we netmennawoulha koul khir we fi 3oudh nou93dou kif hek el mathel: el lisen el 7arek we dhre3 el berik" ya khoya koul 7ad fi majalou we koul 7ad we 9an3atou ynejjim yfid belli ye9der. PS: na3wed we nzid n9oulha houni elli el blog meta3i maandou 7atta 3ala9 le bil syessa welle bil sya7a!el blog meta3i est inmformatif we fa9at! Hedha rayi 9oultou welli yekhtlif ma3eya ni7terim rayou we akhiran n9ollik merhaba bik fi Thysdrus:)

10:16 AM  

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