In Memory Of Bouna & Zied

The above two pics are those of Bouna Traore, aged 15,( from Malien origin) and Zied Benna, 17,( from Tunisian origin) and who were electrocuted at an electricity sub-station in Clichy-sous-Bois as they ran from the police. Global Voices has a detailed piece on the first spark that triggered nationwide riots in France. Sokari Ekine who contributed this piece to Global Voices,blames the Maghreb blogosphere (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia) for being surprisingly silent about the Paris riots except for The Moor Next Door whom she refers to in her comment.I have done some searching through the Tunisian blogosphere and I can provide Ms. Sokari Ekine with the following Tunisian bloggers who wrote about the Paris riots for instance: Evil Drako,Toon-C,Metalmadtn, Nothingjustillusion,Tunizien,No Flying Monkeys, etc...
As you've mentioned in another post, the French police swept through the maniority of Blogs based on French servers and took oof pix, texts and anything related to the riots. Talking about free speech :-)
Besides, French (North Africans in France) are not usually English savvy and they tend to use French blog tools which made it difficult for them to express themselves to the world.
Talking about the youth of the Maghreb and their silence about the riots! Well, I see that on everyoine is talking about them but in the context whether the national team's soccer game in pars planned 11/11 will be cancelled or not.
Many would disagree with me but I think that the youth in these countries are politically marginalised and probably are totally disconnected from the hellish life of the Parisian suburbs.
Excellent blog byt he way :-)
I totally agree. Your blog is excellent too :) keep up the nice work!
oui c vrai ont été submergés par les festivités de Aid bien que les incidents en France ont commencé bien avant cette fête mais comme on dit mieux vaut tard que jamais et puis ca montre que les Maghrebins sont toujours solidaires avec leurs compatriotes ou qu'ils soient dans le monde.A propos,j'ai bien apprécié votre commentaire Adib!
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