Panem et Circensis
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saddam's Excutioners Shouted Long Live Mouktada Sadr!
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Saddam Hussein Executed
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Three years after he was hauled from a hole in the ground by pursuing U.S. forces, Saddam Hussein was hanged Saturday under a sentence imposed by an Iraqi court, an Iraqi official told NBC News. (more)
Friday, December 29, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
The Biggest Heroes & Villains Of 2006
Who were the biggest heroes and villains of 2006? The Associated Press has an answer, after conducting telephone interviews with 1,004 adults in 48 states. (more)
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
9/11 Revisited
September 11th Revisited v.2 is a follow up to perhaps the most riveting film ever made about the destruction of the World Trade Center. This is a powerful documentary which features eyewitness accounts and archived news footage that was shot on September 11, 2001 but never replayed on television. Featuring interviews with eyewitnesses & firefighters, along with expert analysis by Professor Steven E. Jones, Professor David Ray Griffin, MIT Engineer Jeffrey King, and Professor James H. Fetzer. |
الفلكي حسن الشّارني: سنة 2007 ستشهد خريفا ساخنا في تونس
Poetry Of Misery In The Middle East
Labels: Poetry
Moroccan Dance
Be it North or South, African folklore is more or less similar with minor differences!
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Numbers Of The Day
Monday, December 25, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
الصفحة البيضاء
Labels: Poetry
Heni Damak, Le Plus Jeune Chef D'orchestre Tunisien

Labels: Music
Friday, December 22, 2006
The Eyes Of Jesus
Watch video hereDec. 20 - A mysterious painting of Jesus is attracting people from all over the Czech Republic.The picture shows the face of Jesus with his eyes open and closed.
Many visitors to Oldrich Klima's "Gallery of Handicrat" in Pilsen are asking if it's a trick of the light or something more spiritual. (More)
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Virginia Congressman: "I Will Not Be Putting My Hand On The Quran"
Labels: US Politics
US Blogger: If You Support America & Children, Then You Should Be For Murdering Arab Kids!
Indeed, the Tampa chapter of the Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR) helped shut down this loccal's blog.BROOKSVILLE — A local blogger who bills himself as the “right wing howler” has apparently been silenced by his Internet service provider after a Muslim advocacy group complained about content that encouraged the killing of Muslim children.

Via Bareknucklepolitics
Labels: Blogs
كلا والصبح إذا أسفر
وانحدَرَت وَفْـقَ طـرائِقها
جاعِلةً كُـلَّ عوائِقها
مَعَها مُذعـِنَةً تَتحـدَّر!
كُرةُ النّار إذا ما كرَّتْ صارتْ أكبَرْ
وَجَرَتْ في كُلِّ مَفارِقِها
تَفْغَـرُ أفواهَ حَرائِقها
لِتَسَـفَّ اليابِسَ والأخضـر!
وقَضيّتُنا مُنذُ ابتدأتْ
كُرَةٌ يتقاذَفُها العَسكَر.
فلماذا كَـرُّ قَضِيَّتِنا
يَتضاءَلْ مهما يتكرَّرْ ؟!
ولماذا شِبرُ تَقدُّمِها
خمسينَ ذِراعاً يتأخَّرْ ؟!
(في البَدْءِ قَضِيّتُنا ( وطـن
ألقَتْهُ مَخالِبُ مُحتالٍ
بَينَ بَراثِنِ مُحتَلّين.
فكتَبْنا بدِمانا عَهْـداً
أن نَفْنَى، أو أن يَتحرَّر.
وأَغاروا.. بعَصا أَيُّوب!
واقتَحموا الميدانَ كعنتَرْ
وانسَحبوا مِنه كشَيْبوب!
بالإنقاذِ.. أضاعُوا نِصْفَه.
بالغَوْثِ.. أحاُلُوهُ لِضفَّه.
بالرَّفضِ.. اختصروهُ لِمَخفر.
وَبحكمةِ مِلِّيمِ الأصغَرْ
وَبَصيرةِ منظارِ الأَعوَرْ
وَصُمودِ زَرافَةِ مَدْغَشقَرّ
أمسى تعريفُ قَضيَّتِنا
مُختصراً..بعَريفِ المخفَر.
ألِهذي الوَهْـدةِ ياحَمْقـى
كُنّا نَرقـى ؟!
أحَسِبتُم أنَّ مقاعِدَكُمْ
بزوالِ فَلسطينَ سَتبقـى ؟
أيُقايَضُ مِلْكُ سِيادَتِنا
بقَضيّةِ عَبْدٍ مُستأجَرْ ؟!
كلاّ.. والصُّبْحِ إذا أَسفَرْ
وَبطُهْرِ دِماءِ ضحايانا,
وتُرابُ مَواضِع أرجُلِهمْ
مِن هامَةِ أطهرِكُمْ أطَهَر.
سَنُريكُمْ سُودَ لياليكُم
في رابعَةِ الظُهرِ الأحمَر.
وَسَنَسْقيكُمْ كأسَ حَياةٍ
هِيَ مِن كأسِ المِيتَةِ أخطَر.
مِمَّ نخافُ ؟ وَِمَّـمَ سنَحـذَرْ ؟
أطبقْتُمْ بالمَوتِ عَلَيْنا
فإذا مِتْنا..ماذا نَخسَرْ ؟!
كُلُّ فَتـىً مِنّا قُنبلَةٌ فانتظِروا.. حتّى نَتفَّجر!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Armed with a Winchester rifle, two Morrocan boys set out to look after their family's herd of goats. In the silent echoes of the desert, they decide to test the rifle… but the bullet goes farther than they thought it would.In an instant, the lives of four separate groups of strangers on three different continents collide. Caught up in the rising tide of an accident that escalates beyond anyone's control are a vacationing American couple (Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett) a rebellious deaf Japanese teenager and her father, and a Mexican nanny who, without permission, takes two American children across the border. None of these strangers will ever meet; in spite of the sudden, unlikely connection between them, they will all remain isolated due to their own inability to communicate meaningfully with anyone around them.
Labels: Movies
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Zimbabwe: To Survive, People Eat Rats!
This is a story about how Zimbabwe, once dubbed southern Africa's bread basket, has in six short years become a basket case. It is about a country that once exported surplus food now apparently falling apart, with many residents scrounging for rodents to survive.
Labels: Africa
Monday, December 18, 2006
Le Buste De Hannibal Barca

Un shekel en argent ( c. 230 BC), représentant le portrait de Hannibal (British Museum).

Labels: Histoire
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Lu Dans Un Entrefilet

جدل قائم في الولايات المتحدة حول آلة «جهنّمية»... هذه الآلة تمكن من تعرية الأجسام الآدمية. والغاية من هذا هي البحث عن الأسلحة تحت الثياب... وبالطبع قصد الأمريكان هو مكافحة الإرهاب. لكن هذا الجدل لا يهم بلدان العالم الثالث وشعوبهم.. لأنّ جل المهاجرين منهم إلى أمريكا «عريانين» بطبعهم!. محمد قلبي
Time Magazine's "Person Of The Year"

It's not Ahmadinejad, nor Kim Il Jong, nor Condi Rice and even forget about George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld. Time magazine's "Person Of The Year" is but "you", yes you, me ;P and everyone of us!
NEW YORK (AP) - Congratulations! You are the Time magazine "Person of the Year." The annual honor for 2006 went to each and every one of us, as Time cited the shift from institutions to individuals - citizens of the new digital democracy, as the magazine put it. The winners this year were anyone using or creating content on the World Wide Web.
Labels: Media
PS: Rudy Youngblood, playing the lead role of "Jaguar Paw" in Apocalypto, was excellent.Check his website here.
Labels: Movies
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Friday, December 15, 2006
Gendering Traffic & Exit Signs

Its aim is to "give both genders the same exposure and ensure an equal distribution of chances, opportunities and duties" by changing the gender of figures pictured on familiar signs.Female exit signs and pictograms in bathrooms featuring a man, rather than a woman, changing a baby, will be introduced at City Hall to start with, the statement said. Seats reserved for the elderly and pregnant women on Vienna's buses and trams will soon also picture a man carrying a child on his lap.However, a roadworks sign picturing a woman in a skirt digging into a pile of dirt and used on a campaign poster will not see the light of day, because of traffic regulations.Via Drudge
Feu Vert Pour "Corps-Otages"?
لطيفة، فيروز العرب؟

Labels: فنّ
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
"The Decider" Decided Not To Decide
Washington -- President Bush is delaying until some time in January his planned report to the nation on the direction he and aides are charting for the United States in Iraq, the White House said Tuesday, pointing to a need for continuing internal discussions of policy and tactical shifts. (more)Source : The Los Angeles Times
Labels: Politics
Beware Of The Devil Food!

Labels: Food
حكومة وحدة وطنيّة
Monday, December 11, 2006
إسمي فلسطين
Réflexions Sur Le Maroc
Haredi Representatives To Set Up Their Own Airline
USA Secret Service Spied On Lady Di
Labels: Celebs
Sunday, December 10, 2006
World Airline Meals

Saturday, December 09, 2006
Picture Of The Day

Labels: Architecture, Religion
Sleeper Cell: A New Cell Awakens
CBS's Sleeper Cell second season mini-series will premiere December, 10, 2006. I am no fan of Sleeper Cells, but here is a peek at this season's first episode.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Chakchouka Loubnenia
Preparation :
1-Couper le "Parti Nationnal Liberal" et les trois gousses du "Rassemblement de kornet Chahwene". Les faire revenir dans une poele avec un peu du "Mouvement du Renouveau Democratique" a feu moyen.
2-Entre temps couper les "Partis Socialistes Progressites" intégralement y compris les "Joumblats" et les ajouter au "Parti National Liberal". Laisser mijoter un peu durant 10 min.
3-Ajouter le "Bloc National", le "Amel", le "Hizboullah" et les "Forces Libanaises" et un verre d'eau si vous voulez avoir plus de sauce liquide. Ajouter 1 verre supplémentaire.
4-Prendre les "Courants du Futur", les nettoyer des pepines et les couper en petits morceaux.
5-Ajouter les "Courants du Futur" á la sauce. Laisser mijoter durant 10 min. Vérifier le "Bloc National". Ajouter ensuite les "Kataeb" un par un.
6-Laisser cuire á feu doux les "Kataeb" dans la chakchouka á couvert pour faciliter la cuisson des "Kataeb". 10 min c'est suffisant normalement.
7-Servir chaud dans votre plat favori. Il est d'usage que l’ONU ajoute un tribunal international ou des forces de maintien de la paix durant la cuisson du plat durant la phase finale pour donner plus de gout
We koulou Bichfe!
Labels: Humour
US Metropolitan Airport Commission: Muslims Have Right To Pray In Airports
Enough is Enough!
Labels: Religion
The Tunisian Way
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Richest People Of The Middle East
Documentary about some of the richest people of the middle east and how they live. |
El Al's Big Mistake
Ok, with due respect to Jewish faith and the really sensitive and sacred issue of kocher food for jews as it is the case, by the way, for Muslims when it comes to pork, I found the reaction a bit exagerated. Indeed, in Islam , eating pork is forbidden, but there is always exceptions, for one is allowed to eat pork in extreme situations where there's no food but pork and when the life of the person is at risk, so he or she can eat pork in order to survive. I wonder what one will do on a El Al flight let's say from Europe to the US and it happens that there's no kocher food?? To think about!passengers were unknowingly served non-kosher sandwiches on a flight from Budapest last Thursday after the kosher food brought from Israel had spoiled due to the plane's long stay at Budapest airport as it was unable to depart due to the general strike in Israel.
Four days of crisis seemed irreversibly bound for an economically painful haredi consumer boycott slated to be announced Wednesday that threatened to cut into as much as 30 percent of El Al's revenues on flights to America and certain destinations in Europe.
Rabbi Yitzhak Goldknoph, secretary of the Rabbinic Council for the Holiness of Shabbat, said Tuesday evening that during a meeting at his office in Jerusalem, Romano provided verbal promises that, if committed to a legally binding written agreement, seemed to fulfill haredi conditions for a rapprochement. "We need a written obligation, anchored in law and enforceable in a court of law, that El Al will never again desecrate Shabbat," said Goldknoph on his way out of the negotiations.
Respecting One's God
Fitness USA, a gym chain, is investigating an alleged civil rights violationFitness US management told the woman that she has to respect her (patron), but that the patron does not have to respect her God. The aforementioned woman, is an American citizen . She was born in Jordan, of Palestinian descent. She arrived in Detroit 17 years ago.
involving a local Muslim woman who says her afternoon prayer was interrupted by
a fellow patron, and that her complaint to management about the situation was
"It's OK for a Christian fellow or a Jewish fellow to pray, and it would be
regarded highly and respected. When it comes to a person of Muslim faith,
especially if a woman is wearing the head cover or a man with a typical clergy
outfit, yeah, it is becoming like something that is offensive to people and
making them nervous."
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Cartoon Of The Day
Labels: Cartoon
Ahmed Al Cherif: Why All This Brouhaha??

Labels: Entertainment
Monday, December 04, 2006
أخطر 10 تهديدات اليكترونية عام 2007
Labels: Computer Science